When sending out messages - whether for campaigns, abandoned cart recovery, or anything else - you need to ensure that only customers or guests who have opted-in will receive these messages.
When installing the integration, you may be prompted to select how you are opting your customers in for SMS messaging.
There are two options for obtaining opt-in consent:
- Option 1 | Inferred Consent - Your region may allow you to send SMS marketing to recipients that have provided inferred (or implied) consent, without the need for them to specifically opt-in to any marketing correspondence.
- Option 2 | Explicit Consent - Your region may require you to only send SMS marketing to recipients that have opted-in specifically to SMS marketing.
Important - the correct option will depend on regional regulations, and it is the customer's (i.e. your) responsibility to understand the opt-in requirements for their respective region. |
Option 1 | Inferred Consent
Send SMS to customers that have implied consent
When using Inferred Consent, you are agreeing to opt in customers that have opted into SMS implicitly. This means that if your guests and customers have knowingly given you their phone number and it is reasonable for them to believe that your store will use it to send them marketing messages. This means that whilst a guest or customer may not check a box or sign up explicitly via a form, they may provide their number with the knowledge that you will likely use it to market to them.
We recommend that you make some changes to your checkout in order to collect inferred consent.
1. In your Shopify store, go to Settings
2. Go to Checkout
3. go to Checkout Language, and select Manage Checkout Language
4. Scroll to Checkout Contact and find Email or phone label and Email or phone Placeholder beneath it. Now write in both fields “Phone number for exclusive offers by SMS” or something to this effect, indicating that the customer’s number will receive promotional messages via SMS from your store.
5. Click Save
Now your checkout should display updated language for guests and customers of your store providing their phone number.
When a customer or guest provides their phone number, we will sync this to the MessageMedia portal as subscribed.
We will also update their customer profile to SMS Subscribed in your Shopify store.
The same goes for guests of your store - Shopify does not create a customer profile for guests, but MessageMedia still syncs guests to the web portal, along with their SMS subscribed status.
ℹ️ A Note on Opt Outs
When a customer opts out of SMS by replying 'stop' or clicking an unsubscribe link provided in your MessageMedia SMS, we will update their MessageMedia status to Unsubscribed and this will update their Customer profile status to SMS not Subscribed in your Shopify store as well.
Important - before selecting the option for inferred consent, make sure you confirm that this option is compliant with your region's legislation, and don't forget to add an opt-out/unsubscribe option to all your messages. |
Option 2 | Explicit Consent
Send SMS to customers that have explicitly opted-in to SMS Marketing
When using Explicit Consent, you are agreeing to only opt in customers that have opted into SMS.
To ensure that customers are able to opt into SMS and update the above field, you need to set up your checkout to collect SMS consent.
1. In your Shopify store, go to Settings.
2. Select Checkout.
3. Scroll down to Marketing options, select SMS, and click Save:
Now your checkout should display an option for your guests and customers to opt into text messaging.
When a customer of your store opts in to the above field, this will update their customer record with SMS Subscribed as shown on their customer profile. MessageMedia will then sync this customer as Subscribed on the contact record.
The same goes for guests of your store - Shopify does not create a customer profile for guests, but MessageMedia still syncs guests to the web portal, along with their SMS subscribed status.
ℹ️ A Note on Opt Outs
When a customer opts out of SMS by replying 'stop' or clicking an unsubscribe link provided in your MessageMedia SMS, we will update their MessageMedia status to Unsubscribed and this will update their Customer profile status to SMS not Subscribed in your Shopify store as well.