The following templates are suitable for use with communicating with attendees and staff in relation to changes to event schedules, staff rosters, and event cancellations
You can add an additional Opt-out message by clicking on "Opt-out" in the message content field in the web portal once you have pasted the template content in to the message field.
1. Event schedule changes
This template can be used to notify attendees of any changes to event schedules, or if an event is to go ahead as planned (to alleviate any confusion).
Please note - there are two templates - the first to advise of schedule changes, and the second to advise of events proceeding as normal
These templates requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. an event website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "event" - the name of your event
- "event_date" - the date of your event. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format.
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Template 1 (schedule change):
Hi #firstname#, please click the link below for important information about changes to the #event# schedule due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The safety of all attendees and staff is our top priority and we will be taking all reasonable precautions. We are monitoring the situation and will update you with any further changes. Click here for more information <insert URL> Thank you.
Template 2 (event to continue as planned):
Hi #firstname#. At this stage the #event# on #eventdate# will go ahead as planned. The safety of all attendees and staff is our top priority and we will be taking all reasonable precautions. We are monitoring the situation and will update you with any further changes. Click here for more information <insert URL> Thank you.
2. Event cancellation
This template can be used to notify attendees of an event cancellation/postponement, and to provide a link to an additional information source such as a website.
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. an event website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "event" - the name of your event
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Hi #firstname#. We regret to inform you that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the #event# has been postponed until further notice. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and will provide updates as more information becomes available. For more information click here: <insert URL> Thank you.
3. Staff communication
This template can be used to notify staff of any changes/cancellations to shifts, and to provide a link to an additional information source such as a website.
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. an event website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "shift_time" - the time of the shift in question. Please note - be careful when inputting times in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format (e.g. "2pm to 11pm")
- "shift_date" - the date of the shift in question. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format.
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Hi #firstname#. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, all staff rostered on from #shift_time# on #shift_date# are no longer required. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and will provide updates as more information becomes available. For more information click here: <insert URL> Thank you.
4. Government Enforced Shutdown
This message refers to a confirmed shutdown of your organisation. It is suitable for internal and external use.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "phone" - the contact number for your recipients to call (this may vary by recipient location).
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <state> - the state in which the recipient is located.
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business.
- <date> - the date from which the shut down takes effect. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format.
Dear #firstname# As per <state> government requirements, <organisation> is closing from <date> until further notice. Please visit <insert URL>, or call #phone# for more details. Thank you.