The following templates are suitable for use with communicating with customers, clients and staff in relation to changes to trading hours, service availability, policy & procedures, temporary closures etc.
You can add an additional Opt-out message by clicking on "Opt-out" in the message content field in the web portal once you have pasted the template content in to the message field. This is recommended if your message falls under the category of Marketing/Promotion.
Click the links below to jump to the desired templates:
- Service changes
- Change to business hours
- Temporary closure
- Staff communications
- Government enforced shutdown
- Membership freeze
- Appointment confirmation with customer responsibilities
- Contact data verification
- Confirmed case alert (avoid the area)
- Travel restrictions
- Office shutdown/work from home
- Important information for staff
1. Service changes
This template can be used to notify customers of changes to services (e.g. store closures). In the example shown we refer to a retail premise; however the template can be altered to suit your specific business.
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date from which your services will change. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
- "phone" - your business phone number
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business.
- <product> - the type of product or service you offer (e.g. groceries)
Dear #firstname# At <organisation> we know how important <product> are to you as a customer. In response to Coronavirus, we are changing the way we operate. From #date_column_3#, our store will no longer open directly to customers, and instead operate as a delivery only service. Please call us on #phone_column_4# for all orders, or order online at <insert URL> Thank you.
2. Change to business hours
This template can be used to notify customers of changes to business/trading hours to accommodate special opening hours for priority customers. In the example shown we refer to a retail premise; however the template can be altered to suit your specific business.
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. your website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date from which your services will change. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
- "openhours1" and "openhours2"- your new opening hours ("openhours1") and your traditional opening hours ("openhours2")
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business.
- <product> - the type of product or service you offer (e.g. groceries)
Dear #firstname# At <organisation>, we know how important <product> are to you as a customer. In response to Coronavirus, we are changing our open hours to give priority customers safe access to our stores. From #date#, our stores will open from #openhours1# for pensioner and special needs customers only. Regular opening hours will remain as #openhours2#. For more information, please read our full statement here: <Insert URL> Thank you.
3. Temporary Closure
This template can be used to notify customers that your business is closing temporarily. This generic template can be used across a range of business types
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. your website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date from which your services will change. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
Dear #firstname# <organisation> are temporarily closing down our business due to the impact of Coronavirus. Our last day of operation will be #date#. We hope to re-open as the situation changes and will notify you when this happens. For more information, please read our full statement here: <Insert URL> Thank you
4. Staff communication
This template can be used to notify staff of any changes/cancellations to shifts, and to provide a link to an additional information source such as a website.
These templates require you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a roster). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "shifttime" - the time of the shift in question. Please note - be careful when inputting times in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format (e.g. "2pm to 9pm")
- "shiftdate" - the date of the shift in question. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format.
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Hi #firstname#. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, all staff rostered on from #shifttime# on #shiftdate# are no longer required. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and will provide updates as more information becomes available. For more information click here: <insert URL> Thank you.
5. Government Enforced Shutdown
This template can be used to notify customers and staff of confirmed shutdown of your organisation.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date from which the shut down takes effect. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format.
- "phone" - the contact number for your recipients to call (this may vary by recipient location).
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <governing body> - the local authority in charge of restriction enforcement (e.g. local council, state/national government etc.)
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
Dear #firstname# As per <governing body> requirements, <organisation> is closing from #date# until further notice. Please visit <insert URL>, or call #phone# for more details. Thank you.
6. Membership Freeze
This template can be used to notify members of an organisation (e.g. a gym) that their paid memberships are being frozen due to shutdown.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date on which the last payment was taken from the member's account
- "phone" - the contact number for your recipients to call (this may vary by recipient location)
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <insert signature> - add a signature to your message including a clear identifier
Dear #firstname# Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions imposed on our business, <organisation> has had to close it’s doors for the foreseeable future. As a result, all memberships have been suspended until further notice. Your last payment was taken on #date_column_3# however no further payments will be taken until we re-open. For more information, please call <insert phone>. <insert signature>
7. Appointment Confirmation - Customer Responsibilities
This template can be used to notify customers of their responsibilities when booking on-site services (e.g. trades) in terms of isolation and social distancing, as well as your company's policy in terms of contractor safety.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters perSMS)
This template invites a response from customers to trigger a follow-up call to reschedule their appointment. This means you should use this template in conjunction with an automation to manage the callbacks - such as forwarding to email or mobile, or adding those customers to a special contact group.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date on which the last payment was taken from the member's account
- "phone" - the contact number for your recipients to call (this may vary by recipient location)
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <insert signature> - add a signature to your message including a clear identifier
Hi #firstname# A contractor from <organisation> is due to visit you on #date#. If you have returned from overseas within the past 14 days or are feeling unwell, respond “1” to this message and we will call to reschedule the appointment as required. Our contractors practise social distancing so will not shake hands and will maintain 1.5m - please don’t take offence. If our contractor believes you are unwell or feels at risk, they will cancel the appointment and immediately leave the premises. For more info visit <insert URL> or call #phone# <insert signature>
8. Contact Data Verification
This template is useful as a test of your contact data on file, to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information for all of your contacts.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
Dear #firstname# This is a test of our emergency notification system for alerts related to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Please reply with your name to confirm receipt of this message. Thank you.
9. Confirmed Case Alert
If you have mobile employees (e.g. field based sales staff, couriers etc.) then you may want to keep them notified of any updates on confirmed cases to allow them to avoid those areas for their safety.
Field references:
- "location" - the location (e.g. town, state, country, business etc.) to be avoided
Template (if using the attached data template):
ALERT: There has been a confirmed case of Coronavirus in #location#. Please exercise caution and avoid travelling to the area unless absolutely necessary. Thank you.
10. Travel service impact
If you have mobile employees (e.g. field based sales staff, couriers etc.) then you may want to keep them notified of any updates on transport service disruptions (e.g. flight cancellations) that may impact their ability to travel
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "destination1" and "destination2" - the destinations between which the service has been disrupted (e.g. Melbourne and China)
- "service" - the type of service about which you are sending the notification (e.g. flights, trains, ferries, etc.)
- "date" - the the end date of the impact (if no date is known, you can just out "further notice" in this field and your message will still make sense)
Dear #firstname# please be advised that #service# between #destination1# and #destination2# have been cancelled until #date# due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Further updates will be provided as changes to the situation occur. Thank you.
11. Office shutdown/work from home
If you need to shut down your office and move staff to a "work from home" scenario, this template can be used to provide notification to staff, as well as a link to online resources such as the working from home policy, or VPN set up instructions etc.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "date" - the date from which the policy takes effect. Please note - be careful when inputting dates in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
- "manager" - the name of recipient's manager. If you do not wish to include this information, you can replace this field with the text "your manager."
- "managerphone" - the recipient's manager's contact number. If you do not wish to include this information, you can delete this reference
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Dear #firstname#, For the safety of all staff, management have decided to enact our company shutdown/working from home policy, effective #date#. The policy can be found at <insert URL> Please contact #manager# on #managerphone# or the HR team with any questions. Thank you
12. Important information for staff
This template can be used to provide your staff with a link to the relevant State Government or other website so they can get access to important information about Coronavirus, such as instructions on self-assessment.
This template requires you to add a URL (i.e. the web address) for a link to further information (e.g. a website). You may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient.
- "state" - the state in which the recipient is based.
- Note - if this is not relevant for your location, you may prefer to remove this reference
- "URL" - the link to the relevant government health site
- "manager" - the name of recipient's manager. If you do not wish to include this information, you can replace this field with the text "your manager."
- "managerphone" - the recipient's manager's contact number. If you do not wish to include this information, you can delete this reference.
Hi #firstname# We are taking the recent Coronavirus outbreak seriously and want to ensure you have access to the information you need to minimise the risk of exposure for yourself and others. For general information from the #state# government, please visit #URL# If you believe you are exhibiting symptoms, you should contact your GP for medical testing immediately and let us know. DO NOT COME TO WORK unless cleared to do so by your GP. If you have any questions, please contact #manager5# on #managerphone# Thank you