The following templates are suitable for use with communicating with patients and practitioners in relation to changes to appointments & guidelines, warnings, hygiene guides, an staff communications
You can add an additional Opt-out message by clicking on "Opt-out" in the message content field in the web portal once you have pasted the template content in to the message field.
1. Appointment reminder
This template can be used to remind patients upcoming appointments and to provide instructions around attendance if they have travelled or are experiencing symptoms associated with the Coronavirus.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
- "doctor" - the name of the doctor with whom the patient has an appointment
- "appointment_time" and "appointment_date" - the time and date of the appointment. Please note - be careful when inputting dates and times in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
Variable fields:
- <phone> - your organisation’s contact number
Hi #firstname# This is a courtesy reminder of your meeting with #doctor_column_5# on, #appointment_date# at #appointment_time#. IMPORTANT: If you have travelled internationally in the last three weeks and/or have a fever, sore throat, a cold, flu or respiratory infection symptoms, please call <phone> ASAP and DO NOT visit the clinic. Thank you
Automated Responses
If you want to create an automated, interactive flow to better manage the screening process for patients who may be ill, this article provides an overview of an example of how to structure such a flow, using varying keywords and message paths.
2. General Hygiene information
This template can be used to provide patients with helpful information about how to minimise the risk of infection through effective hygiene practises (e.g. washing hands for 20 seconds). This message would be well suited to the inclusion of an infographic (if available) which could be sent as an MMS picture message. You may prefer to add a link to an external information source (e.g. your website).
If you do choose to add a URL, you may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS).
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
Where the message says "<Insert URL>" - this is where you need to paste the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Variable fields:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website).
Dear #firstname# With cases of Coronavirus increasing rapidly, please follow these important steps to minimise the risk of infection: 1. Clean your hands often with alcohol-based hand rub or soap/water 2. Keep 1m (3ft) or more between yourself & anyone coughing/sneezing 3. Avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth 4. Cover your mouth/nose when you cough/sneeze - dispose of used tissues immediately 5. Stay home if you feel unwell (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) For more information, visit <insert URL>
3. National Health Information Hotline
This template can be used to provide patients with the number for the National Health Information Hotline (or other relevant support line for your region/country), as well as a link to their relevant state government health website (or other relevant government information website for your region/country)
When adding a URL (web address) you may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
- "state" - the state in which each recipient is located
- "URL" - the respective government health site for each state/country
- Note - if regional jurisdiction (e.g. State Government) is not relevant for your region/country, you may prefer to remove these references and replace the "URL" field with an alternative government information site
Hi #firstname# If you are experiencing symptoms (dry cough, sore throat, fever, headache, shortness of breath) or have recently come into contact with someone you suspect may be infected with the Coronavirus, you can call the National Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on <insert phone number> for support. You can also visit the #state# State Government health website at #URL# for more information. PLEASE DO NOT TURN UP TO OUR CLINIC IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS. Thank you.
4. Appointment Cancellations
This template can be used to notify patients of appointment cancellations due to the relevant health practitioner being unavailable. It also includes the addition of a URL for your online booking tool so that patients can rebook. If you do not have an online tool, you can replace that section with an invite for patients to call the clinic to reschedule.
When adding a URL (web address) you may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
- "doctor" - the name of the doctor whose appointments are being cancelled
- "appointment_time" and "appointment_date" - the time and date of the appointment. Please note - be careful when inputting dates and times in Excel, as sometimes the format will be converted to a number. In the attached template, the example given is written in a text format
Variable fields:
- <phone> - your organisation’s contact number
Dear #firstname#. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel your #appointment_time# appointment on #appointment_date# with #doctor#. If you wish to reschedule with a different doctor, please visit <insert URL> to make a booking, or call us on <phone>. We apologise for any inconvenience.
5. Clinic Closure
This template can be used to notify patients that your clinic is closing due to imposed restrictions, and providing the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline number (or other relevant support line for your region/country) for support.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
Variable fields:
- <phone> - your organisation’s contact number
Dear #firstname#. Unfortunately our clinic is closed until further notice. All appointments are therefore cancelled. If you are experiencing symptoms (dry cough, sore throat, fever, headache, shortness of breath) or have recently come into contact with someone you suspect may be infected with the Coronavirus, please call the National Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on <phone> for support and advice. We apologise for any inconvenience.
6. Hand washing reminder
This template can be used to remind patients (particularly in aged care) to regularly wash their hands. In some cases, it could be effective to schedule this message to recur at a regular interval throughout the day (e.g. every 20 minutes, as per the recommendation from the World Health Organisation).
When adding a URL (web address) you may need to use a URL shortener (i.e. the "short trackable links" feature) to limit the web address to 22 characters in order to keep your message clean and to get the most out of your character limit per message (160 standard characters per SMS)
When communicating a process, it is often more effective to include visual aids such as pictures or links to video. The World Health Organisation has produced the following guide, which has been attached to this article
The templates below also include a weblink to the W.H.O hand washing guide.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
Variable fields:
- <insert signature> - add a signature to your message including a clear identifier
Template - general reminder (with weblink):
Hi #firstname# Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to minimise the risk of contracting Coronavirus. This guide will show you how to wash your hands effectively: <insert signature>
Template - recurring reminder (with weblink):
Hi #firstname# Please wash your hands now for at least 20 seconds to minimise the risk of contracting Coronavirus. This guide will show you how to wash your hands effectively: <insert signature>
7. Visitation suspension
This template can be used to inform patients (particularly in aged care) of restrictions to visitation from friends and family due to isolation requirements.
Field references:
- "firstname" - the first name of your recipient
Variable fields:
- <date> - the date from which the restriction is in effect
- <phone> - your organisation’s contact number
- <insert signature> - add a signature to your message including a clear identifier
Hi #firstname# To protect residents and staff from the spread of COVID-19, all visits are suspended as of <date>. Residents may not accept visits from anyone outside the facility (e.g. family) until further notice. Please call <phone> or see staff if you have any questions. <insert signature>