These templates are designed to be used as part of a "text for access" program to help overcome difficulties with customers, employees, patients, and contractors getting access to sites in a contactless manner.
As customer-focused messages can be classed as marketing, it is advisable to add an Opt-out message to those messages. Opt-out messages or links can also be added by clicking on "Opt-out" in the message content field in the web portal once you have pasted the template content in to the message field.
1. Contractor access management
This template can be used to manage access for cleaners, construction workers or trade services visiting a site, medical practices allowing patients to enter a waiting room, customer numbers in a supermarket, and more. The message requires an automation to be set up to manage message flows triggered by keyword responses. These responses can be amended based on various factors - for example, if a site's capacity is reached, then the response to a check-in can be changed to an alert telling the contractor they need to wait outside until further notice.
Variable fields:
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <site> - this is where you need to put the name of the site to which the message refers (e.g. "the City Campus")
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website)
Template 1:
As a registered contractor for <organisation> conducting works at <site>, you are now required to text reply to this number when entering or leaving the site. You must adhere to social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines: <insert URL>. Please confirm your acceptance by replying “YES”
Template 2a (keyword = "YES"):
Thank you. You must text each time you go IN or OUT of the premises. Text “IN <site>” upon entry and “OUT <site>” when leaving.
Template 2b (keyword = "NO"):
Rejection of the conditions of entry to <site> means that you will not be permitted access to the site. Your response has been registered and you will be contacted shortly with further instruction.
Template 3 (keyword = "IN"):
Your entry is approved. Stay safe while working on site and remember to text “OUT <site>” when leaving.
Template 4 (keyword = "OUT"):
Thank you for helping us to maintain the safety of everyone at <site>
2. Patient access
This template can be used to manage access for patients visiting a clinic, with the aim of requesting the patient text a keyword to a number prior to entering the clinic and awaiting confirmation of clearance to enter. The message requires an automation to be set up to manage message flows triggered by keyword responses. These responses can be amended based on various factors - for example, if a waiting room's capacity is reached, then the response to a check-in can be changed to an alert telling the patient they need to wait outside until further notice.
Variable fields:
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <clinic> - this is where you need to put the name of the clinic to which the message refers (e.g. "Richmond")
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website)
Template 1:
Upon arriving at <organisation> for your appointment, you are required to text reply to this number to notify us of your arrival before entering the premises. You must adhere to social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines: <insert URL>. Please confirm your understanding by replying “YES”
Template 2a (keyword = "YES"):
Thank you. You must text “IN <clinic>” upon arrival and await a response BEFORE entering the clinic.
Template 2b (keyword = "NO"):
Rejection of the conditions of entry to <clinic> means that you will not be permitted enter to the clinic. Your response has been registered and you will be contacted shortly with further instruction.
Template 3a (keyword = "IN" and capacity not yet reached):
Your entry is approved. Please come to reception and see a staff member. Remember to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Template 3b (keyword = "IN" and capacity has been reached):
Our waiting room is at capacity. Kindly wait outside and a member of staff will come and see you shortly. Call <phone> if staff do not see you within 5 minutes. Thank you.
3. Staff Notification
This template can be used to notify staff that your business will be re-opening, and to guide them to the relevant policy and procedural guidelines to ensure a safe return to work.
Field References
- "firstname" - the name of the recipient.
Variable fields:
- <date> - the date from which restrictions are easing to allow the return to work
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website)
Hi #firstname# With COVID-19 restrictions easing as of <date>, <organisation> will be re-opening on a restricted basis. Please familiarise yourself with all operational changes before returning to work - <insert URL> If you have questions/concerns (e.g. you are unwell/high-risk), reply Y to this message and we will contact you to discuss. Thank you
4. Hospitality - Dine-in services resuming
This template can be used to notify customers that a restaurant is re-opening for dine-in service on a restricted basis with limited capacity. The message directs customers to a website and phone number for pre-ordering and bookings. Ideally, this would be followed-up with a text-for-access flow (i.e. customers sending in a message on arrival and being cleared for entry via a text response).
Variable fields:
- <date> - the date from which dine-in services are becoming available
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your business
- <capacity> - the limitation on table bookings (i.e. the maximum permitted number of people per table)
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website)
- <phone> - your business phone number
Great news! <organisation> are opening for dine-in from <date>, and will take bookings of <capacity> or less. Bookings & pre-paid orders essential - visit <insert URL> or call <phone> for menu, orders and bookings. We appreciate your patience and ask that you follow all instructions carefully. Thank you
5. Education
This template can be used to notify students and parents of the reopening of a school/university and the mandatory restrictions being enforced. Some schools may be returning in stages (e.g. by specific year groups at a time) so this template can be altered to reflect this as required.
Variable fields:
- <date> - the date from which classes will resume
- <organisation> - this is where you need to put the name of your organisation
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to add the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your company website)
- <phone> - your organisation's phone number
Students & Parents of <organisation> As announced, we are re-opening from <date> for all students and classes. To ensure the safety of you and our staff, social distancing restrictions will be enforced and updated policies for visitors will apply (see <insert URL>). Do not attend if you are ill or high-risk. Please call <phone> for further advice if required. Thank you