The below workflow will update the Deal property for all Deals associated with the associated contact. If you have multiple deals associated with individual contacts, please consider whether this is the right workflow for you.
1. Start by creating a Contact based workflow
2. Set the Enrollment Trigger as MessageMedia SMS Received
3. Refine your inbound trigger by choosing any of the options associated (e.g. whether the SMS should be from a specific source):
4. Click the "+" icon to add a new action. In the menu on the right hand side, scroll down and select Set property value:
5. In the resulting "Set Property" menu, select Deal from the top drop-down list:
6. Select Deal stage from the second drop-down list:
7. A third field will then appear, where you can select the stage to which you want the deal to move once the inbound SMS is received:
Remember that this workflow is effective when the contact is only linked to one deal. If the contact is assigned to multiple deals, then a single inbound SMS could trigger all associated deals to update.