The BigCommerce/MessageMedia integration allows you to send SMS messages from your BigCommerce workflows via your MessageMedia account. The installation process is straightforward and there's no need for you to be a tech whiz.
Install the Sinch MessageMedia integration to BigCommerce
1. First up, head over to the BigCommerce Marketplace and search for Sinch MessageMedia SMS Marketing:
2. Click on the MessageMedia SMS Marketing tile, select GET THIS APP and it'll prompt you to log into your BigCommerce store, then click on Install:
3. Make sure you check the box for the acknowledgement and then click Confirm:
Now you're ready to connect to your MessageMedia account.
Connect your Sinch MessageMedia Account
After you've installed the integration to BigCommerce, you'll be prompted to either connect your existing MessageMedia account or create a new account with the free trial. Click on the connection option that applies to you, and follow the steps:
I'm a New Sinch MessageMedia Customer
1. Click on Start a free trial:
2. Then on the registration page, enter your details in the form, create a password, and click Get Started:
3. Once you've created your MessageMedia account, you'll be presented with a modal detailing the integration. Check the box to sync your contacts from BigCommerce, and after you've read through the information and understand the terms and conditions, click Next:
4. Last but definitely not least, you'll need to configure your SMS Opt-in settings. It's super important that you select the correct opt-in method as different regions have different legislation for collecting consent to send SMS. If you're not quite sure which option to pick, this article should help.
When you've decided which SMS opt-in method is suitable for you, click Connect:
Congratulations, your BigCommerce store is now connected to MessageMedia and you're good to go.
I'm an Existing Sinch MessageMedia Customer
1. Click on Connect existing account, then just log into the Hub using your MessageMedia credentials:
2. Next, choose the MessageMedia account you would like to Connect:
Please note - If your account is pre-paid, just click on where it says Request to upgrade and our Support Team will reach out to discuss your options.
3. Once you've connected your MessageMedia account, you'll be presented with an overview modal detailing the integration. Check the box to sync your contacts from BigCommerce, and after you've read through the information and understand the terms and conditions, click Next:
4. Last but definitely not least, you'll need to configure your SMS Opt-in settings. It's super important that you select the correct opt-in method as different regions have different legislation for collecting consent to send SMS. If you're not quite sure which option to pick, this article should help.
When you've decided which SMS opt-in method is suitable for you, click Connect:
Congratulations, your BigCommerce store is now connected to MessageMedia and you're good to go.