You can run reports on your BigCommerce Abandoned Cart SMS activity from within the MessageMedia Hub.
The Abandoned Cart reporting function is found in two places:
1. Under Automations - go to the menu and click on the icon and select Abandoned Cart SMS, then just click on View report next to the automation you want to examine:
2. Under Reports - go to the menu and click on the icon and select Automation Reports,
then just click the specific automation you want to examine:
Once you've selected the desired automation to run the report on, you'll be taken to the reporting interface.
Running the Reports
Start by setting a Date range for your report. You can either choose specific start and end dates, or select from pre-set filters (e.g. "Last 30 days") and click Apply filters:
The data for the selected period will then appear:
1. Graph - displaying revenue recovered from your selected automation across the time chosen in the date range selector.
2. Revenue Recovered - revenue attributed to the selected automation for messages sent out within the chosen timeframe.
3. SMS Sent - how many messages were sent within the chosen time frame.
4. Sales Recovered - how many absolute sales were made as a result of the automation.
5. ROI (Return on Investment) - calculated by dividing the value of sales made by the cost of messages sent, then multiplied by 100: (Sales $ / Cost of sent messages)*100 = ROI%.
6. Conversion Rate - percentage of customers that purchased (relative to SMS sent).
7. Cost - total cost of SMS sent for the reporting period - for more accurate reporting, you can configure the cost per SMS. Jump to the bottom of this article to learn how.
Note - the attribution is based on the cart being recovered within three days of the abandoned cart message being received. |
At the bottom of the report page, you've got the ability to report on the individual SMS messages that make up the automation.
By clicking on View report for any one of the SMS messages sent out through the automation, you can see the same metrics but they report on the specific SMS, not the automation as a whole:
Scrolling down further, you'll find familiar reporting stats that you would expect to see for any other Campaign sent from the Hub:
Configuring the Cost per SMS
When reporting on cost per SMS and ROI, the Hub calculates these metrics using a default cost per SMS amount. The default rate is the same as the "Pro Plan", so if your plan has a different rate per SMS, you can set this amount for more accurate reporting.
Here's how to ensure accuracy in reporting:
1. In the menu, click on the icon, then select Integrations:
2. Find the BigCommerce tile and click on View/Modify Integration:
3. Select the Settings tab.
4. Use the dropdown arrow to select your currency.
5. Enter your cost per SMS rate, and make sure you include the decimal point.
6. Then click Update and you're good to go: