If you have different departments/offices, it can be helpful for each one to have its own Sinch MessageMedia account/sub-account so reporting and billing are handled separately by each department/office (e.g., Administrators will have a main account, Marketing and Sales will have their own subaccounts).
If you'd like to connect multiple Sinch MessageMedia accounts to one Zoho CRM account, follow the steps in below.
1. Log into your Sinch MessageMedia account and click on the Account Switcher icon at the top of the Hub menu. Then click on the arrow to display your list of sub-accounts, and select the sub-account you want to add to Zoho CRM.
Note - Refer to the knowledge base article here about switching between the Parent Account and Sub-accounts. |
2. Click on Settings then API Settings in the side menu on the left:
3. Select the API tab and scroll down to HMAC Authentication and click Create new key:
4. Give your new API key a label (e.g. Zoho CRM API key) and click Create key:
5. Copy the API credentials to your clipboard:
Important - This is the only time the Hub will display the API Secret, so if you're not planning to use it right away, we recommend saving it somewhere you can find it later. If you lose the API Secret, you'll need to create a new key/secret pair. |
6. Now go back to your Zoho CRM and add a New Gateway:
A) open the Smooth Inbox and Bulk SMS module.
B) click on the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner.
C) open the Gateways tab.
D) click on Add New Gateway.
7. Next, configure the New Gateway as follows:
A) Gateway type - select MESSAGE_MEDIA.
B) Gateway Account Description - enter a suitable name to help identify which Hub account/sub-account you're connecting.
C) API Key & Secret Auth - paste the HMAC API credentials copied in step 4.
D) Click Save.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 6 until you've added a Gateway for each department/office.
9. To make the From Numbers available to a certain user/team, you’ll need to assign each of the Sinch MessageMedia phone numbers - this article can show you how.
If further assistance is required, kindly reach out to our dedicated support team at smsforzohosupport@messagemedia.com. We are here to assist you promptly.