If you have a lot of conversations in your messaging inbox in Zoho CRM and need to reassign them to a different user or team, it can be pretty time consuming to reassign them one at a time. We now have a bulk reassign feature that lets you reassign multiple conversations all at once.
Here are the steps to use this feature:
1. Open the Smooth Inbox: click on the three dots (A) if you can't see the Smooth Inbox web tab (B) at the top of your screen.
2. Activate bulk reassign: click the icon on the left hand side of the screen.
3. Search for conversations: you can type in a search query (A) and it will filter conversations based on the record name (B) and by the business card fields (C).
4. Select the conversations you want to reassign: you can select individual conversations (A) or select all the conversations in the filtered view (B)
6. Choose where the conversations should be assigned: you can assign the conversations to a different team (A) and/or a different user (B).