If you receive the following error during installation, follow the instructions in this article to enable Salesforce Content Deliveries and Public Links.
Invalid type: Schema.Site
Method does not exist or Incorrect signature: void objectAccessible(System.Site) from the type...
Variable does not exist: Id
Invalid type: Scehma.SiteDetail
Variable does not exist: sd
Instructions for Lightning
Instructions for Lightning
1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup
2. In the Quick Find box, type Content Deliveries.
3. Select Content Deliveries and Public Links.
Note - if you're not able to see Content Deliveries, please reach out to Salesforce support. There may be a setting preventing you from accessing this feature.
4. Check the three boxes in the enable section:
5. Click Save.
6. Repeat the installation process. If you're still unsuccessful, please reach out to Salesforce support.
Instructions for Classic
Instructions for Classic
1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup.
2. In the Quick Find box type Content Deliveries.
3. Select Content Deliveries and Public Links.
Note - if you're not able to see Content Deliveries, please reach out to Salesforce Support. There may be a setting preventing you from accessing this feature.
4. Click the Edit button next to Enable.
5. Enable the three checkboxes as shown.
6. Click Save.
7. Repeat the installation process. If you're still unsuccessful, please reach out to Salesforce support.