Mercury SMS supports the use of multiple MessageMedia accounts. Sub-accounts in the Sinch MessageMedia Hub can be added to Mercury SMS. For example, you may have different phone numbers and Hub sub-accounts dedicated to your sales, marketing, and support teams. Adding sub-accounts in Mercury SMS allows messages and templates to be organised based on the account they are related to.
Note - The "Company Default" account is the main account connected in the Setup & Configuration tab of the Mercury SMS application. We do not recommend adding the Company Default account as a sub-account. If you haven't previously set up any sub-accounts in the messaging Hub, this article can show you how. |
Adding & Managing Sub-Accounts
Important - You'll need to be logged into the messaging Hub to connect your existing sub-accounts. |
1. From the Mercury SMS app, navigate to the Account Manager tab.
2. Then click on Connect Account:
3. The account connector page will open with a list of your available accounts and sub-accounts. Click Connect on the Hub account you want to connect to Salesforce:
4. The Account Name field will automatically populate with the Hub account ID. You can delete that and enter a new name to help users easily identify the account - this will be seen by internal users and used in other settings like defaults, so use something descriptive like "Sales".
5. Now just click Save Account(s) and you're good to go.
6. Repeat the above steps for each sub-account as required.
Adding & Managing Sub-Accounts | Legacy UI Onboarding Configuration
Important - Follow these instructions if your version of Mercury SMS has legacy configuration settings. If you're unsure, you can compare your Mercury SMS Setup & Configuration tab with the in the image in this article. |
1. Login to the messaging Hub, then use the account switcher and select the sub-account you want to connect to Mercury SMS:
2. Go to the API Settings page in the Hub and create a new set of REST Basic API credentials - after you copy the API key and secret pair to the clipboard, paste them somewhere you can easily retrieve them for the next step.
Important - This is the only time the Hub will display the API Secret, so if you're not planning to use it right away, we recommend saving it somewhere you can find it later. If you lose the API Secret, you'll need to create a new key/secret pair. |
3. From the Mercury SMS app, navigate to the Account Manager tab.
4. Now you can enter the details to connect your sub-account:
A) Enter the Account Name - this will be seen by internal users and used in other settings like defaults, so use something descriptive like "Sales".
B) Paste the API Key into the Username field.
C) Paste the API Secret into the Password field.
D) UN-CHECK the Enable Webhook checkbox.
E) Click the Save Accounts button.
F) After the account has been saved, CHECK the Enable Webhook checkbox and you're good to go.
5. Click on the Add Account button and repeat the above steps for each sub-account as required.