To set up reply back workflow on receiving appointment confirmation/cancellation reply, carry out the following steps:
- Go to MessageMedia > Template > New Template
- Create a template called "Reply to Y" - this will be the automated response sent to a recipient who replies to your initial message with "Y"
- Save your template
- Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows > New
- In the next screen, configure the following settings:
- Give the workflow a name
- Create a workflow ID beginning with "_"
- Record Type = MessageMedia SMS Reply
- Release Status = Released
- Initiation = Event Based
- Check On Create
- Trigger Type = After Record Submit
- Event Types = Create
- Contexts = User Event Script and Suitelet
- Click Save to create the workflow. You will be shown a workflow with a single state.
- Double click on the state to open it for editing
- In the Workflow State pop-up, click New Action to open New Action popup
- In the New Action pop-up, click Create Record
- In the next screen, hover over the Condition field to reveal an open icon, then click the icon to open the field inspector
- In the field inspector, set the relevant values as shown below and click Save:
- The Condition field should now be showing "Reply Message = Y"
- Click Save to save the condition
- Back on the Workflow Action page, at the bottom, find the Record Type field. Select the record you want to create when the Reply Message is “Y”. In this case we will select “MM SMS Workflow Job” and set fields as shown below:
Note - before you finish setting up your workflow, if you've got multiple Sender IDs and you'd like to assign one to your workflow, this article can show you how.
- When you've finished setting the parameters, click Save.
This workflow will now send a message containing the content of the "Reply to Y" SMS Template whenever an inbound reply says "Y"
For each different condition, for example - cancellation, you have to set up Workflow Actions.