How do I configure API Keys?
API keys are populated in the MessageMedia Hub Portal.
Instructions are available via this article.
What’s the difference between Credential Types?
Individual - This is to give SMS access to an individual employee. This credential takes precedence over Global credentials.
Global - Best for giving access to everyone without an individual credential.
Workflow - Required if you intend to implement Workflow SMS messaging.
How do I review activity and run reports on usage?
Our Messaging Hub offers robust reporting functionality. Instructions are available via this link.
How do I get started sending SMS?
Please review our NetSuite | Quick Start Guide. It has step-by-step instructions to get you connected and sending SMS through NetSuite!
What Records have the Conversations button?
The Conversations feature is included on Customer, Lead, Prospect, Employee, Contact, Vendor and Partner Records.
What Records can I use for the Batch SMS feature?
Customer, Lead, Prospect, Employee, Contact, Vendor, Partner, and Sales Order Records are all supported for Batch SMS.
What Records can I use for the SMS Workflow feature?
By default, comes with three pre-built workflows for Sales Order, Item Fulfilment, and Case Records.
You can make a NetSuite Professional Services request to implement workflows using: Employee, Contact, Vendor, Partner, Sales Order, Estimate (Quote), Quote (estimate), Item Fulfilment, Project, Event, Phone Call, Project Task, Tasks, Campaign, Purchase Orders, Work Orders, and Invoice Records.
Where can I go for additional guidance?