SMS for NetSuite uses webhooks to record replies and delivery receipts. After you've setup API keys and an Access Token, you can continue on to configure the webhook records.
1. Go to MessageMedia SMS → Preferences → MessageMedia Webhook Config:
2. Click Edit on one of the existing records in the list (the process will be repeated for each record):
3. Enter the Token, Token Secret, API Key and API Secret using the data generated when you created the access token and API credentials. Leave all other fields as is:
4. Click Save.
5. Log in to your MessageMedia account and go to Settings → API Settings → Webhooks.
6. Verify a new NetSuite webhook has been created for the corresponding event:
7. To configure the remaining existing webhooks records, repeat steps 1-6 until each existing webhook record has been configured.
Note - do not create additional webhook records unless you are doing so for additional accounts, as this could cause application errors. Instead, make sure to edit the existing records. |
Now your webhooks are ready and you can receive messages and delivery reports in your NetSuite account.