Following are the objects within the MessageMedia bundle:
MessageMedia - Activity
MessageMedia - Activity Steps
MessageMedia - API Credentials
MessageMedia - Delivery Report
MessageMedia - Generic SMS
MessageMedia - Generic SMS Job
MessageMedia - KeyLink SMS
MessageMedia - Metadata
MessageMedia - MR Task
MessageMedia - Preferences
MessageMedia - SMS Receipt
MessageMedia - SMS Reply
MessageMedia - SMS Template
MessageMedia - Time Zones
MessageMedia - Webhook Event
MM - Default Message Config
MM - Inbound SMS Configuration
MM - Recurring SMS Job
MM - SMS Workflow Job
MM - Webhook Configuration
MM - Webhook Template Parameter
To Grant and invoke permission on any of the above record types, start by going to Customisation → Lists, Records, & Fields → Record Types
- Select one of the records from the list mentioned above to Edit (in the below screenshot, “Message Media - Delivery Report” is edited as an example)
- Select “Use Permission List” from Access Type list field.
- Go to Permissions tab and select roles and apply Full level permission if you want to grant permission to the role.
- If you want to revoke the permission from any role, then delete the row from the above sub list.
- Click Save
To Grant and invoke permission of “Custom Lists” on any of the configured roles, go to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage Roles
- Click Edit or Customize next to the role you wish to edit
- Click on the “Permissions” Tab.
- Go to “Setup”.
- Add a new Permission, select “Custom Lists” and apply Full level permission if you want to grant permission to the role.
Click Save